Possibly the most beautiful climbing area i have ever been to - perfect granite crack-climbing with amazing features and lines.
A magical but quite spooky place - names for sectors like the: Wizard, Magician, Sorcerer, Warlock etc only add to this.
This trip really was an education for me - 2 hour walk-ins, followed by long intimidating crack climbs where my typically English rack - containing double pieces of gear (max) simply was not enough for 40m pitches of cracks of only one size! Also jamming was a new experience for me - i spent most of my time looking for razor edges around the cracks for light relief!
The highlight was working Pyromania - the classic Yaniro, upside down flake climbing 8a+ - i didn't have enough time to head-point it but when i return it will be the first thing that i jump on.

The above photo of Pyromania was taken from Urban Climber's site.
My photos to come . . . (my friend dropped my D90 off a boulder!)